
wp plugin based on hashimage.com

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress plugin for fetching images by Twitter hashtag.

This is just tested on my environment, but should be alright on any WordPress 3+ installation on PHP5 with libcurl.

It currently works with twitpic, instagram, yfrog, plixi, flickr, adding more services is quite easy and can be done on request. URL’s are being curled and cached for 10-12 minutes in using the standard WP_Cache.

The plugin, when enabled, exposes a template tag which you can add to your theme:

 echo '<ul>';
 echo hashimage('hashtag=unicorn&limit=5');
 echo '</ul>';

Nice-to-haves (feel free to add this!):
- Create posts in a Custom Post Type so all images are saved locally
- Resizer. Maybe just timthumb.
- Meta box inside posts to allow hashtag to be set per post.
- Settings page (width/height/alt-tags/which image services to fetch/etc)
- json-feed, for async call to plugin
- nsfw-filter based on nude.js (would be awesome actually)
- sidebar widget
- support for t.co + support for pic.twitter.com + support for cl.ly