
Kattis demo solutions with unit testing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Kattis Demos with Unit Testing

Demo solutions with unit testing for some problems from https://open.kattis.com


  • Linux/Mac/WSL (Windows Subsystem Layer) bash terminal is preferred along with language specific tools (compiler/interpreter, etc.) properly installed

  • On Windows g++ compiler is required to compile and run C and C++ code from command prompt

  • pytest Python3 package for testing Python3 solutions

pip3 install -U pytest
pip3 install -U mypy

Programming Languages

  • demos are provided in the following several languages
  • follow the instructions based on your language and operating system


  • open a terminal on Mac/Linux/WSL or cmd prompt on Windows
  • change working directory to a problem folder, e.g.
  cd cold/C++
  • compile using g++ or use provided Makefile
  g++ -std=c++14 cold.cpp
  • run unit testing; user provided test cases
  • on Mac/Linux, either run the program with test argument or use the provided Makefile
  ./a.out test
  make unit_test
  • on Windows:
  a.exe test
  • run kattis provided sample test cases e.g. if 1.in and 1.ans are sample test files:
  • on Mac/Linux/WSL Terminal
  cat 1.in | ./a.out | diff - 1.ans
  make kattis_test
  • on Windows cmd prompt:
  > type 1.in | a.exe > out1.txt
  > FC out1.txt 1.ans


  • open a terminal on Mac/Linux/WSL or cmd prompt on Windows
  • change working directory to a problem folder, e.g.,
  cd cold/python3
  • run unit tests; user provided test cases
  • several different ways...
  python3 cold.py test
  python3 test_cold.py
  python3 test_unit_cold.py
  pytest # make sure pytest is installed
  python3 -m unittest

Testing Python OOP solutions

  • open terminal
  • change current working directory to OOP folder inside problem/python3 folder
  • run the following commands
  mypy --strict <module>.py
  mypy --strict test_<module>.py
  pytest <module.py>
  python3 -m unittest
  • run kattis provided sample test cases e.g. if 1.in and 1.ans are sample test files
  cat 1.in | python3 cold.py | diff - 1.ans
  • on Windows cmd prompt
  type 1.in | python3 cold.py > out1.txt
  FC out1.txt 1.ans


  • open a terminal on Mac/Linux/WSL or cmd prompt on Windows
  • change working directory to a problem folder
  • run unit testing with your own test cases
  • uses Jest Unit Testing Framework
  • run the following commands on a Terminal
  cd cold
  npm install
  npm run jest
  npm run kattis_test
  • run kattis provided sample test cases e.g. if 1.in and 1.ans are sample test files
  • on Mac/Linux Terminal
  cat 1.in | node cold.js | diff - 1.ans
  • on Windows cmd prompt:
  type 1.in | node cold.js > out1.txt
  FC out1.txt 1.ans


  • open a terminal on Mac/Linux/WSL or cmd prompt on Windows
  • change working directory to a problem folder, e.g.
  cd cold
  • compile using gcc
  gcc cold.c
  • run unit testing; user provided test cases
  • write and use a Makefile as demonstrated in C++ section
  ./a.out test
  • run kattis provided sample test cases e.g. if 1.in and 1.ans are sample test files
  • on Mac/Linux Terminal:
  cat 1.in | ./a.out | diff - 1.ans
  • on Windows cmd prompt
  type 1.in | a.out > out1.txt
  FC out1.txt 1.ans


  • See each problem folder