
Business flow manager

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


State manager based on redux for nice and scalable organizing of business logic in web applications. It helps you to build big enterprize level application with modular architecture.

This is powerful tool for implementing business flow of large enterprise-level web applications. No more store.dispatch hell. Just nicely readable and configurable in one place class-definitively styled description of the business logic of your application. Comes with ecosistem of helper packages and adapters to ui libries such as react.


yarn add @reflexio/core-v1


Redux is an intuitively simple and powerful tool for state management. However it hurts when it comes to writing a lot of boilerplate to implement every small piece of business logic. We need to describe the reducer and action creator. Now we have such a nice improvement of this as redux/toolkit. We bring new improvements to redux state management approach. Here we make more accent on redux-middlewares and use it not only for placing side-effects into it, but also to to build a configurable structure of management events (actions) flowing form triggers to the application state. This structure has a full set of injected management tools and custom dependencies as well as ability to organize local data and storage aside from application state.


In the following example we describe a single redux slice related to a specific functional part of the application using Slice function. It accepts slice name literal, initial state and Bites. Bites are created with function Bite which accepts two arguments - object of reducers and middleware.

import {Slice, Bite} from '@reflexio/core-v1'

const loadUserBite = Bite(
  	wait: (state, payload) => {
            state.loading = true
	done:  (state, payload) => {
            state.loading = false
            state.user = payload
	fail: (state, payload) => {
           state.error = payload
           state.loading = false
    watchScope: ['loadUser'],
    instance: 'stable',
    script: LoadUser,
    initOn: 'wait',
const resetUserStateBite = Bite(
  (state, payload) => { state = userInitialState},

export const userSlice = Slice(
    loadUser: loadUserBite,
    resetUserState: resetUserStateBite,

where first argument of Bite function is reducer or object of the type of

{actionName: reducer},

Second argument is the script configuration object, which feeds one of the key features of reflexio library. What is script? This is where all the business happens.


script: LoadUser

is a middleware handler class.

instance : ...

configures mode of creating of LoadUser class instance. There are three types of modes: stable, refreshing and multiple. stable means instance is created once when triggering action is dispatched and lives in the context until it will be manually dropped. On refreshing mode, instance is getting dropped and recreated every time. On multiple, the new instance of corresponding script class is created (with different uid).

initOn: wait

means that middleware handler (script class instance) inits when action with the type loadUser/wait is dispatched.

Script class has required method init(...) which accepts triggered action payload and is called when this action is dispatched. It also has the non-required method watch(...), which is called every time when actions with types specified in

watchScope: [....] are dispatched.

In array you can specify types of actions like ['actionOne', 'actionTwo'] or even specify more precisely [{actionOne: 'init' }]

Let's check out example of the LoadUser script.


export  class  LoadUser {
	constructor(private  opts) {}

	public  async  init(args) {
        ** Here you can call side effects, 
		** dispatch actions 
		** via this.opts.trigger('actionName', 'actionStatus',{...payload})
    ** get current state via
    ** this.opts.getCurrentState()
		setTimeout(() => {
			this.opts.trigger('loadUser', 'fail', this.opts.uid);
		}, 5000);

	public async  watch(args) {

        ** Here you can do all the same staff and 

Inside the script all the actions that could be triggered are specified in

canTrigger : [...]

Now plug it into redux store

import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose, Middleware } from 'redux';
import { userSlice, IUserState } from 'src/user/slice.config.ts';

export type IState = {
  user: IUserState;

export type ITriggers = IUserTriggers

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

function configureStore() {
  const middlewares: Middleware[] = [userSlice.middleware];

  const store = createStore(

  return store;
const store = configureStore();

export default store;
