A plant watering notifier writed in python, for dreamy coworkers ...
- Fisrt of all:
python plant_watering_manager.py
That will create corrects files and directories.
- Then edit db_plant.csv, and fill it using the header shema:
cat plant_db.csv
id,type,temperature(celsius),Location(level-room_name),Frequency(in days),mattermost_webhook
- id, is the plant unique identifier
- type, is the plant type (bonsai, cactus, dracaena ...)
- temperature, is the ideal temperature for the plant growth in degree celsius
- location, is the place where is located the plante (FLOOR_LVL-OFFICE) ex: (4-FINANCIAL)
- frequency, is the ideal watering frequency for the plant growth
- webhook, is your mattermost/slack URL webhook
Then you could make use of CRON to call this script daily, and it will notify everyone to take care of plants.