
I learned how to use github pages with a robot powered training repository :robot: Now I will commit code from one of my websites for practice.

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I will start commiting code from one of my websites

Trippy Perlin

The background fill on this website is a javascript visualization. It is drawn in a canvas element. All of the javascript is inline. Inline javascript is supposed to streamline pageload times by eleminating extra page load requets. Two scripts are embedded in the HTML. In the tag, is the original perlin script, it is called on by the trippy perlin script embedded at the end of the HTML file. I am still playing around with the parameters to make it looks just right.

In the future I would like to have it match/mimic some deep learning algorithms.

credit: Trippy Perlin by David A. https://codepen.io/meodai credit: Improved Noise reference implementation Ken Perlin https://cs.nyu.edu/%7Eperlin/noise/

I followed all of the instructions!

This was an interesting way to learn how to use github pages. thanks.

Your GitHub Learning Lab Repository for Intro to HTML

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This repository is licensed under MIT (c) 2019 GitHub, Inc. Photo by Kelli Tungay on Unsplash