- 3
- 1
ramda pick type inference is not correct
#125 opened by TedPap - 1
Typescript type inferencing
#126 opened by SOULPWRD - 2
TS: Incorrect signature of R.values
#119 opened by lisumio - 1
0.30.0 lensProp type-check fail
#124 opened by fangjc1986 - 1
- 6
Real world usage of omit is now awkward
#108 opened by robations - 4
- 9
R.converge bad signature in @types/ramda
#118 opened by adellamaggiora - 3
Typescript specific docs
#117 opened by kedashoe - 3
'Placeholder' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | ((match: string, ...args: readonly any[]) => string)' in replace
#109 opened by shamshiyevulugbek - 3
pipe and useWith get ts error
#95 opened by Yueyanc - 2
forEach requires type parameter
#112 opened by AndrewSouthpaw - 16
- 2
- 2
`curry` no longer works with `map`
#111 opened by AndrewSouthpaw - 6
Breaking change introduced
#64 opened by person1123 - 2
- 1
Why is `ElementOf` so complex?
#97 opened by rbuckton - 2
[0.29.9] `pluck` inside `pipe` get ts error
#107 opened by nathan1530 - 2
Symbol type is not filtered out of keys in types for fromPairs, keys, toPairs, and toPairsIn
#104 opened by MatthewTFarley - 3
@types/ramda failing under 5.4
#103 opened by jakebailey - 4
- 3
Conditional types
#29 opened by lax4mike - 2
/types-ramda/es/index.d.ts:4453:22 - error
#77 opened by BillyG83 - 2
Missing copyright notice
#86 opened by fnordian - 1
- 1
- 3
Make `isNotNil` a type guard
#82 opened by lensbart - 2
keys() to pick() typing problem
#76 opened by mirimCZ - 1
#6 opened by Harris-Miller - 4
Call signature of `take` can prevent type inferrence when using curried signature
#69 opened by TClark1011 - 5
Type inference on ifElse
#59 opened by capArturo507 - 1
- 1
transduce's accumulator type
#33 opened by WPitak - 4
- 0
The Master List
#2 opened by Harris-Miller - 2
`of` now receives two parameters instead of one
#36 opened by tikudev - 2
`pluck` does not work with argument typed as `any`
#34 opened by ericyd - 1
Github Actions and npm publish
#4 opened by Harris-Miller - 2
Automate release
#7 opened by Harris-Miller - 2
0.29.2 breaks tests on DT
#24 opened by sandersn - 2
mergeAll does not accept arrays anymore
#22 opened by swemail - 1
MR template and merge requirements
#9 opened by Harris-Miller - 3
How to type curried functions
#10 opened by Harris-Miller - 1
@types/ramda parity
#1 opened by Harris-Miller - 0
Clean up `tools.d.ts`
#5 opened by Harris-Miller - 0
What to do about transducers
#3 opened by Harris-Miller