Register a Function:

./ -n uppercase -f "f->>s.toString().toUpperCase())"

Run a Stream Processing Microservice using that Function:

./ -i words -o uppercaseWords -f uppercase

Run a REST Microservice using that Function:

./ -p /words -f uppercase

Compose Functions:

(assuming the uppercase function was already registered as above)

./ -n pluralize -f "f->>s+\"S\")"

./ -p /words -f uppercase,pluralize

Run a Task Microservice using a Supplier, Function, and Consumer:

(assuming the uppercase function was already registered as above)

./ -n words -f "()->Flux.just(\"foo\",\"bar\")"

./ -n print -f "System.out::println"

./ -s words -f uppercase -c print

(more docs soon)