
A Prototype app using react native app to sync contacts from phone, edit contact details and add new contacts

Features Demo
  • Sync contacts from device
  • List all contacts
  • Edit/View contact details
  • Create new contact


  • Android Studio
  • Visual Code Editor


  • git clone
  • cd My-Contacts
  • npm install
  • react-native run-android

Folder Structure

Project follows very simple folder structure

  • src : This folder is the main container of all the code inside your application
    • helper: Folder to store any common generic functions that can be reused
    • components: Folder to store any common component that you use through your app (such as a generic LoadingSpinner)
    • context: Folder that contains all your React Context Api files.
    • mockdata: Folder to store any mockData for testing purpose .
    • screens: Folder that contains all your application screens/features.
      • HomeScreen.js : A Functional component using hooks, context apis for maintaining logic for syncing contacts from phone + previewing contacts in list format using FlatList
      • PreviewContact.js : (Functional component with hooks) Preview contact details such as email id, phone number, first name and last name
      • EditContact.js: (Functional component with hooks) This contains logic for creating new/edit contact and save changes into phone
  • App.js : This contains navigation logic, syncing contacts from async storage
  • __test__: This folder contains all jest testcases
    • index.test.js: This contains function test case for helper functions
    • HomeScreen.test.js: Test case for contact list preview using mockdata
    • PreviewContact.test.js: Test case for matching user name, email and phonenumber
    • EditContact.test.js: Snapshot test case

Global Store

Global store is maintained using React inbuild context api and hooks. I have used reducer like update function to compute new state.

Offline usage

AsyncStore is used for retaining user actions, results such as contact list from contacts api.

Code/Commit readability

JSDocs is used to maintain comments across codebase, main reason for using JSDocs formatting standards is scope for creating and deploying documentation

Conventional Commits approach is used to maintain human and machine readable commit messages, this can be futher enhanced to create changelogs, trigger CI/CD pipeline, semantic version bump

Libraries used