
Neovim config files

Primary LanguageVim script


This is my neovim configuration. To use this, you'll need to clone it into ~/.config/nvim and then install plugins:

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim
git clone http://github.com/rameshvs/dotnvim $HOME/.config/nvim
nvim +PlugInstall +qa

I've tested this on Mac OS X 10.13.5 and a few flavors of linux. I can't make any guarantees, but I do try to make sure it works across all platforms that I use.

I've documented most of the settings in init.vim, and vim's excellent :help explains things even better.


I organize my neovim plugins using vim-plug. To install, you need to either open neovim and run :PlugInstall, or use the command above. Plugins (and their configuration) are at the top of init.vim.