
My vimrc and related files

Primary LanguageVimL


This is my vim configuration. To use this, you'll need to clone it into some folder (I use ~/.vim, but you can use whatever you prefer) and then link ~/.vimrc to this folder's vimrc:

git clone --recursive http://github.com/rameshvs/dotvim $HOME/.vim
ln -s $HOME/.vim/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
touch $HOME/.vim/viminfo
ln -s $HOME/.vim/viminfo $HOME/.viminfo

I've tested this on Mac OS X 10.8 and a few flavors of linux. I can't make any guarantees, but I do try to make sure it works across all platforms that I use.

Many of the settings in vimrc are documented therein, and vim's excellent :help explains things even better.


I organize my plugins using git submodules and pathogen. This means that you need to do a recursive clone in order to get all the plugins!

To add a plugin conveniently from the command line, you could define the following function at the command prompt:

$ addrepo() { git submodule add https://github.com/$1 "bundle/$(echo $1 | cut -d "/" -f 2)"; };

Once you've done that, you can run addrepo <github user>/<github project> to add the corresponding git repository.

For example, to add the plugin vim-commentary from https://github.com/tpope/vim-commentary, use the following command from the command prompt after defining addrepo as above:

$ addrepo tpope/vim-commentary

Here are all the plugins included here along with brief descriptions: