CPU MLFQ Scheduler

CPU scheduler simulator written in python, utilizing PySimpleGUI framework, simulates a MLFQ MultiLevel Feedback Queue with configurable scheduling algorithms for each level.


install Pysimplegui via pip

  • pip install PySimpleGUI

Built with

  • Python
  • PySimpleGUI - gui framework
  • Pycharm - IDE


the simulator accepts input via the command line then displays the gui output


  • "-q" or "--quantumList" followed by a comma separated list of quantums for each Round roben level "q1,q2,q3, ..."
    • ex: "-q 8, 16, 24"
  • "-l" or "--jobList" followed by a comma seperated list of jobs to be scheduled in the format "burstTime:arrivalTime"
    • ex: "-l 24:3, 26:17, 42:7"
  • write "-b" or "--boost" followed by one integer, default 0 (no boost) the algorithm boosts all jobs in all queues each period b as a form of aging to avoid process starvation


Example 1

python main.py -q 5,10,15 -l 10:24, 16:4, 17:19, 23:18, 32:3, 16:16, 4:55


Example 2 - using default queues

python main.py -l 10:24, 29:4, 37:19, 23:18, 32:3


Example 3 - with boosting

python main.py -b 100 -q 3,7,10 -l 10:24, 29:4, 37:19, 23:18, 32:3



this project is licensed under the MIT license