
Store the images in HANA (by converting it to BLOB file) through Python

Primary LanguagePython


Store the images in HANA (by converting it to BLOB file) through Python

Thanks for using this python script!

Before Executing the imagetoblob.py Program:

Ensure *** You have python installed along with the pyhdb library in your system *** You have all the images that needs to be converted in the same directory as the imagetoblob.py *** Also you have placed the systemdetails.txt in the same directory as the imagetoblob.py *** Fill in the details of the host, port, username, password, schemaname and tablename in the systemdetails.txt *** You already have the table created in your destination HANA System if not you can create it with this SQL CREATE COLUMN TABLE <SCHEMA_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME> (IMAGE_NAME NVARCHAR(200) PRIMARY KEY,IMAGE_CONTENT BLOB ST_MEMORY_LOB);

If any issues do comment/get back to me(ram.gopalan@live.com)