
  1. Computer algorithms
  2. Computer programming
  3. Paradigms | 23.07.23 Конспект
  4. External resources
  5. Recursion basics
  6. Intro to computational thinking
  7. Components of computational thinking
  8. Introduction to OOP
  9. Inheritance
  10. Interfaces
  11. Polymorphism
  12. Encapsulation
  13. Units of information
  14. Hexadecimal numbers
  15. Unicode
  16. JSON
  17. Date and time standards
  18. Synchronous, asynchronous, parallel
  19. Processes and threads
  20. Introduction to Operating systems
  21. Files
  22. Computer Memory
  23. Components of computer memory
  24. Stack and heap memory
  25. The concept of patterns | 24.07.23 Конспект
  26. Libraries
  27. Frameworks
  28. What is a bug
  29. Functional testing
  30. Unit testing
  31. Documentation
  32. Introduction to logging
  33. Debugging overview
  34. Self-documenting code
  35. Design principles
  36. Single Responsibility Principle(SRP)
  37. Interface Segregation Principle(ISP)
  38. Introduction to software architecture
  39. Introduction to creational patterns
  40. Singleton
  41. Regexps basics
  42. Write, compile, and run
  43. JVM, JRE, and JDK
  44. IDE
  45. IntelliJ IDEA
  46. IntelliJ IDEA basics
  47. Navigation through code
  48. Writing code with pleasure
  49. Fixing code
  50. JetBrains Academy plugin
  51. Build tools
  52. Java Archive
  53. Gradle basics
  54. Basic project with Gradle
  55. Kotlin

  56. Coding style conventions
  57. Naming variables
  58. Standard output
  59. Standard input with Java Scanner
  60. Reading data with a readln
  61. String formatting | 25.07.23 Конспект
  62. Values and variables | 14.08.23 Конспект
  63. Val variables
  64. Objects
  65. Equality
  66. Data types
  67. The classification of basic types
  68. Type conversion
  69. Type of the numeric expression
  70. Nullable and non-nullable types
  71. Ranges
  72. Type system
  73. String basics
  74. String templates
  75. Working with strings
  76. Getting substrings
  77. Invoking functions | 25.07.23 Конспект
  78. Declaring functions
  79. Functional decomposition
  80. Default arguments
  81. Named arguments
  82. Scopes
  83. The main() function
  84. Call stack
  85. Control structures
  86. if expression
  87. When expression
  88. For loop and ranges
  89. Repeating blocks
  90. While loops | 26.08.23 Конспект
  91. Jumps and returns
  92. Boolean and logical operations
  93. Arithmetic operations
  94. Increment and decrement
  95. Characters
  96. Integers in action
  97. Floating-point types
  98. How to work with exceptions
  99. What is an exception
  100. Taming exceptions
  101. Lists
  102. Introduction to MutableList
  103. Work with MutableLists
  104. For loop and lists
  105. Multi-dimensional list
  106. Collections
  107. Introduction to collections
  108. List
  109. Mutable List
  110. Set
  111. Map
  112. Mutable Map
  113. Mutable Set
  114. Iterators