
[Feature Request] Add support for more package managers

rami3l opened this issue · 4 comments

What's supported so far:

  • Linux/linuxbrew
  • Debian/apt
  • RedHat/dnf
  • Gentoo/emerge
  • SUSE/zypper
  • Alpine/apk
  • Void/xbps (handled in #330)
  • Linux/pkcon (#pacapt/226, handled in #538)

What isn't yet supported in pacaptr, but supported in pacapt:

  • Exherbo/cave
  • Clear/swupd
  • SliTaz/tazpkg

I'd personally like to see support for Termux's pkg PM, which is essentially a wrapper around apt.

@ItsAleph Thanks for your feedback!

Unfortunately, I haven't been using Termux a lot lately. May I ask what is missing from current apt support when running pacaptr from Termux?

  • apt list lists all packages available unless --installed was passed. pkg instead of the list command have two separate list-all (acts like apt list) and list-installed (self-describing).
  • apt has both --help flag and help command, whereas pkg only has command. Additionally, pkg doesn't have man pages.
  • pkg doesn't have the autoremove command (only autoclean).
  • pkg doesn't have the full-upgrade command. pkg upgrade instead always asks user what to do in case of a conflict (i suspect this behaviour is the same as apt upgrade, but not sure since i never used it).
  • pkg doesn't have satisfy and edit-sources commands.
  • pkg has several command shortcuts like pkg in instead of pkg install and pkg rm instead of pkg remove.

Termux Wiki article on package management in Termux, including what is pkg and why it is (highly) recommended over apt.

If i understand correctly, the only thing missing from pkg support is that it should be preferred over apt by pacaptr if running inside Termux ($HOME or $PREFIX start with /data/data/com.termux/ or one of the following variables are defined: TERMUX_VERSION, TERMUX_IS_DEBUGGABLE_BUILD, TERMUX_MAIN_PACKAGE_FORMAT, TERMUX_API_VERSION, TERMUX_APK_RELEASE, TERMUX_APP_PID).

@ItsAleph I've created a new issue for you at #576, let's continue our discussion there!