- 0
- 0
- 2
- 5
- 12
[Request] Package Distribution
#5 opened by rami3l - 4
- 6
[Feature Request] Proper `sudo` invocation
#2 opened by rami3l - 2
- 0
[CI] Migrate to two-stage smoke tests
#634 opened by rami3l - 0
[Request] Use GoReleaser for publishing
#621 opened by rami3l - 2
[Feature Request] Merge query operations' results and track them for subsequent installation operations
#502 opened by riotrah - 3
- 2
[Feature Request] Add support for `Termux/pkg`
#576 opened by rami3l - 1
[Feature Request] Implement `-Qs` for apt
#553 opened by AndydeCleyre - 9
[Feature Request] Add support for winget
#104 opened by luxus - 5
[Feature Request] Add `-U` option for scoop
#371 opened by dragonmkww - 15
[Bug] Execution policy error with `scoop`
#357 opened by dragonmkww - 0
[Feature Request] Add shell completion support
#363 opened by rami3l - 1
[Bug] Incorrect behavior with `apt_sy` with args
#353 opened by rami3l - 1
[Docs] Add architecture docs
#141 opened by rami3l - 6
[Request] Precompiled Binary for Apple Silicon
#103 opened by luxus - 1
[Refactor] Use PackageKit for Linux version
#39 opened by rami3l - 1
[Feature Request] Support for Gentoo/Portage
#108 opened by daemonspudguy - 6
[Feature Request] Add scoop support
#73 opened by Eyepan - 1
[Feature Request] Add support for scoop
#13 opened by rami3l - 1
- 2
[Bug] Unable to run pacaptr on macOS 11.0.1
#40 opened by xMuu - 0
[Docs] Compatibility Table
#38 opened by rami3l - 1
- 3
- 4
[Feature Request] MacPorts support maybe?
#18 opened by sunflsks - 6
[Request] Add musl/static builds to release assets, for easy installation on Alpine, etc.
#4 opened by AndydeCleyre - 4