
This application helps users setting up a strong password that is not vulnerable to any brute force attacks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python application

Password factory

A Flask application that generate passwords on demand.

Directory structure

This repository contains code for Password Factory:

  • app/ -- contains code for api, schema, utilities and logger
  • docker/ -- docker-compose file and docker files for nginx and webapp. It also contains configs for uwsgi and nginx
  • tests/ -- Unit test scripts and Data
  • postman/ -- postman collection along with api tests
  • logs/ -- Application generated logs will store here

Necessary files in the root directory

  • .env -- contatins the server default params. If any param is missing in the API call, it would be filled from this file.
  • .flake8 -- configurations for linting the code
  • Makefile -- contains the automation scripts
  • pytest.ini -- configurations for testing and coverage report
  • requirements.txt -- lists all the dependencies of the application
  • tests_requirements.txt -- list all the dependencies for running the tests.

Running Development Environment

Note: Make sure you have python3 installed

  • Clone the repository

  • Navidate into the code directory

    cd <directory>
  • Run the following command to create virtual environment

    python3 -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual enviroment using the following command

    source venv/bin/activate
  • Now start dev server using the following command. It will install dependencies and run the developement server on localhost default port 5000 : http://localhost:5000/generate?numbers=1

    make start-dev
  • Import the postman collection from the postman/ directory and set environment to 'Password factory' and baseurl to {{local}}.

  • Run the API calls to test

Running Docker Instance (Calibrated for production)

Note: Make sure you have installed docker and docker-compose.

  • Clone the repository

  • Navidate into the code directory

    cd <directory>
  • To fireup docker containers using docker-compose:

    make start-docker
  • The application would be served at http://localhost/generate?numbers=1

  • To stop docker containers:

    make stop-docker
  • To build docker images from the docker files:

     make build-docker
  • Import the postman collection in the postman/ directory and set environment to 'Password factory' and baseurl to {{docker}}.

  • Run the API call to test

Creating distribution for packaging

  • Clone the repository

  • Navidate into the code directory

    cd <directory>
  • To create distribution files run command

    make dist

Note A dist directory will be created with tar.gz file. It can be published and installed using setup.py commands

Continuous Integration Pipeline

Note: Github Actions are used for continuous integration

  • Checks performed on commit to main

    - Run linter to check code standards
    - Run pytest to execute tests
  • Code will be merged to main branch once the checks are successfull

Other Helpful Commands

To only install requirements:

make install

To run unit tests:

make test

To run code linting:

make lint

To format code:

make format

API documentation and testing

  • postman/ -- contains api collection and test cases.

  • Each API has a documentation section to explain the scenario.

  • 40 postman API tests are in the collection to test API.

  • Import the collection and execute run collection.

Flowchart diagram of /generate api call

Note Diagram is created using mermaid code, only visible in repository.

graph TD
    A[Request password: '/generate'] -->|Gets params and calls| B(Password Factory)
    B --> C{Validate params}
    C -->|Incorrect params| E[Return 404 Bad Request]
    E -->id1([Done])
    C -->|Correct params| F[Generate Password]
    F -->G[Return password to user]
    G -->Hid1([Done])

Best practices followed during the development

  • Followed the rule of simplicity. Simple is better than complex.

  • Code distribution across modules and files to ensure separation of concern.

  • Custom logging with user readable message format and log rotation.

  • Handled error such that they get noticed. log file is maintained incase error in the console is missed.

  • In docker implementation, reverse proxy through nginx to ensure api calls donot fall on flask app directly (best practice to ensure security).

  • Continuous integration implemented to make sure code is not buggy and upto the set standard.

  • .env file varibales are overridden by env variables exported through export command.

  • virtual environment used to make sure dependencies are installed in the env.

  • Marshmallow schema for validation of API request.

  • flake8 is used for linting code.

  • black is used for formating code.

  • setup.py implemented for distribution packages.

  • test cases implementation.