This is a blogging web application for users to share their thoughts and ideas with other people.
I developed this project to learn ruby and ruby on rails and work with ORM(Object-Relation-Mapping) using rails ActiveRecord.
- Ruby v2.7.1
- Rails v6.0.3
- SQLite v1.4.0
- Bootstrap4 v4.5.2
To clone and run this application, you'll need Ruby and Rails on your computer.
From your terminal:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository directory
$ cd blog-app
# Install gems needed
$ bundle install
# Run the app
$ rails server
- Register user using username, email and password
- Login user using username and password and maintain user session
- Add an article with title and body
- View article in a paginated view
- Edit and delete an article
- Users can view other people's users and read them
- An admin user can delete a user's account or a user's article
Linkedin: ramikhafagi96