
"File Count by Date" is a Python script that counts the number of files in a specified directory grouped by their creation date. The script creates a dictionary that stores the count of files for each date and writes the results to a text file. This program can be useful for tracking the number of files created over time in a particular directory.

Primary LanguagePython

File Count by Date

File Count by Date is a Python script that counts the number of files in a specified directory grouped by their creation date. The script creates a dictionary that stores the count of files for each date and writes the results to a text file.


To use this script, follow the steps below:

Clone this repository by running the following command:

Copy code git clone https://github.com/your-username/file-count-by-date.git Navigate to the cloned directory using:

Copy code

cd file-count-by-date

Install the required packages by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To use this script, follow the steps below:

Open the file file_count_by_date.py in a text editor of your choice.

Modify the folder_path variable in the script to specify the directory you want to count the files for.

Save and close the file.

Open a terminal window in the project directory.

Run the script using the following command:

Copy code python file_count_by_date.py The results will be written to a file named result.txt in the directory specified by output_file_name.


Suppose we have a directory containing the following files:

file1.txt (created on 2022-01-01)

file2.txt (created on 2022-01-01)

file3.txt (created on 2022-01-02)

file4.txt (created on 2022-01-02)

file5.txt (created on 2022-01-03)

Running the script on this directory will create a file named result.txt with the following content:


Copy code

2022-01-01: 2

2022-01-02: 2

2022-01-03: 1

This indicates that there were 2 files created on January 1, 2022, 2 files created on January 2, 2022, and 1 file created on January 3, 2022.