
Explore all supported map projections in CARTO

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CARTO Map Projections v1

Explore all supported map projections in CARTO.

  1. Create a clean dataset of map projections from PostGIS spatial_ref_sys table:
  • First, apply the following query in any dataset:

    WITH a AS(
        string_to_array(srtext, '"') AS sr_text
      sr_text[2] AS geogcs,
      sr_text[4] AS datum,
      sr_text[6] AS spheroid,
      sr_text[16] AS primem,
      sr_text[22] AS unit
    FROM a
  • Secondly, create a new dataset from this query. Rename it as map_proj.

  • Third, add a new field called notes with some comments about each projection from Wikipedia [1].

  1. Create a map with the Editor with ne_50m_land dataset as the unique layer and a color background as basemap.

  2. Build a CartoDB.js application with a dropdown menu in order to select a map projection*.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_map_projections