gwasrapidd: an R package to query, download and wrangle GWAS Catalog data
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[Error code 500] get_associations
#50 opened by jyjo43043ver1 - 4
to get a vairants list from GWAS catalog
#48 opened by GGboy-Zzz - 3
[Error] response code was 500
#49 opened by jyjo43043ver1 - 9
parsing issue while using get_variants()
#28 opened by peranti - 4
The associations number obtained by "gwasrapidd" differs extremly from obtained in GWAS Catalog
#43 opened by shenlan17 - 5
How download TSV file like on the web GWAS Catalog?or any function can do like that?
#47 opened by sher-l - 0
- 1
revisit FAQ 5
#33 opened by ramiromagno - 0
`get_studies()` not returning a scores object with efo id `"MONDO_0004648"`
#46 opened by ramiromagno - 5
Error in get_studies
#13 opened by alexb-84 - 6
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- 0
Problem with obtaining the RAF for individual variants contained within associations with a haplotype
#41 opened by milcs40 - 3
List of Variants to GWAS associations
#40 opened by lizlitkowski - 4
Error when running get_associations()
#39 opened by mightyphil2000 - 3
Response code was 500.
#36 opened by james-cranley - 0
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- 0
institutional logo not rendered in footer
#32 opened by ramiromagno - 2
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Response code 500 when using get_studies()
#25 opened by mightyphil2000 - 0
Fix documentation of `cytogenetic_bands`
#15 opened by ramiromagno - 7
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Extract other information using gwasrapidd
#23 opened by jiyue1214 - 8
NCBI build conversion
#22 opened by jinjinzhou - 7
get_associations using reported trait
#19 opened by mightyphil2000 - 7
Retrieve all genetic associations searching on reported trait and efo simultaneously
#21 opened by mightyphil2000 - 10
- 2
Very Small P Values are Rounded to 0
#18 opened by MattCloward - 0
Update documentation of `exists_variant()`
#14 opened by ramiromagno - 0
Functions for identifier mapping needed
#8 opened by ramiromagno - 0
Unexpected error in get_variants_by_efo_id: Error: length(efo_trait) not greater than 0
#16 opened by ramiromagno - 0
Make functions that search by either `efo_trait` or `reported_trait` case sensitive again
#17 opened by ramiromagno - 1
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Problems with ensembl_id
#12 opened by abhiachoudhary - 5
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Regular expression in function is_study_id no longer works for newest studies
#9 opened by MattCloward - 0
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"get_variants" query error
#6 opened by tzup - 6
Bug in example
#5 opened by jennysjaarda - 0
`cols` is now required. Please use `cols
#4 opened by ramiromagno - 1
get_snp_by_id and get_snp_by_location not working for rs35252396 and rs6470588
#1 opened by ramiromagno