- This demo app is a platform where the users can post register by using their information, post, read, update and delete their articles easily.
- The system is developed by using Python, HTML, Bootstrap 4 templates, MYSQL database and Flask framework.
- When the system is first executed, the main page appears where navigation bar and welcoming exist.
- Dev Blog -> it redirects user to main page.
- About us -> it gives fundamental information about the site.
- Articles -> Log in page will appear, The user cannot see the articles until they logged in
- Log in -> User can log in via this page, if they previously registered.
- Register -> User can register via this page by entering required information.
- Dev Blog -> it redirects user to main page.
- About us -> it gives fundamental information about the site.
- Articles -> Existing articles (if there is any) will appear. User can enter any of the articles just by clicking the title. Also, user can search an article in the search part by entering the whole or part of the title.
- Dashboard -> In this page, user can add, view, update and delete articles. Also, the information about the articles, such as the title, author, date of posting is visible.
- Add Article -> it can be seen as a shortcut just to help the user to add new article to the blog much easily. In addition, the text area, which a new article will be entered, is added as a CKEditor CDN. It helps user to add their articles much easily and effectively. Obviously, the blog is so user-friendly!
Log out -> User can simply log out from their account.