
Laravel boilerplate with advanced authorization and API policies

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Laravel Auth Boilerplate

A boilerplate for Laravel projects based on github.com/laravel-api-boilerplate with a focus on advanced authentication, authorization, and API policies. Contains a dedicated entrypoint for Admin panel based on core-ui admin template.


You can quickly get the environment up and running by


You can also use native docker support which quickly boots up the environment via

docker-compose up

Notes: Make sure to create an .env file from .env.example to change runtime configuration


To select appropriate version of API, following header must be provided (v1 defines the endpoint version):

Accept: application/vnd.laravelauth.v1+json

Currently supported versions: v1


Each endpoint supports following predefined request options by default:

  • sorting - /model?sort=-name
  • filtering - /model?filter[name]=john&filter[email]=gmail
  • selecting - /model?fields[users]=id,name
  • eager loading - /model?include=posts
  • custom appends - /model?append=fullname

For each of these items, advanced authorization policies are available (both per request, and per request item).

For example, if we wish to allow preview of user logs only for administrator:

// This disables possiblity of requesting "logs"
// for anyone except admin users.
// Workflow:
//   a) regular user requests `/user?include=logs` -> HTTP Unauthorized
//   b) regular user requests `/user` -> gets default user response
//   c) admin user requests `/user?include=logs` -> response with logs lazy loaded
//   d) admin user requests `/user` -> gets default user response
public function includeLogs(User $loggedUser, User $user)
    return $loggedUser->isAdmin();

Natively, every restful model supports sorting, filtering, and selecting of all fields user has permissions to see. This is internally handled via view policies. Likewise, these options can be extend to support custom logic. To do so, simply override RestfulModel getQuery methods.


In addition to requests, on top of model objects there is per-attribute authorization implemented as well. By implementing specific policies, it is possible to extend model attribute view and edit permissions.

For example, consider following response:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "ramiz",
    "is_banned": false,
    "phone_number": "123",
    "role": 1

It is possible to forbid users from obtaining details of specific attributes by defining View policies.

// This hides "phone_number" from response
// for anyone except the owner of the account.
public function viewPhoneNumber(User $loggedUser, User $user)
    return $loggedUser->id == $user->id;

Also, there are fields which only specific users can edit. To implement edit field permissions, simply write related Edit policies.

// This allows configuration of "is_banned"
// to administrators.
public function editIsBanned(User $loggedUser, User $user)
    return $loggedUser->isAdmin();

Note: By default, all fields that are marked as hidden will remain hidden unless related policies are defined. The same applies to editable fields (editable unless a condition is given).

Eager loading

As some models require eager loading enabled by default, there is also an option for that by overriding model getWith method. For example, if we wish to enable role (which is a one-to-one relation) on user to be displayed along user, we can simply give it as:

public function getWith() {
    return ['role_status'];

Now, when requesting default endpoint at /user/1 response will be given as:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "ramiz",
    "is_banned": false,
    "phone_number": "123",
    "role": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "admin"

Authorization policies are also enabled, which will hide these fields in case of insufficient permissions. Example usage include providing user logs for owner account.


Complete list of supported API is given in table below. Click to view fully expanded table.

Click to view

Routes list

Method URI Action Protected
GET,HEAD api/auth/login AuthController@token No
POST api/auth/register AuthController@register No
GET,HEAD api/auth/oauth/{provider} AuthController@redirectToProvider No
POST api/auth/oauth/callback/{provider} AuthController@handleProviderCallback No
POST api/auth/password/email ForgotPasswordController@sendResetLinkEmail No
POST api/auth/password/reset ResetPasswordController@reset No
GET,HEAD api/auth/email/verify/{id}/{hash} VerificationController@verify No
POST api/auth/email/resend VerificationController@resend No
GET,HEAD api/auth/me AuthController@getUser Yes
DELETE api/auth/logout AuthController@logout Yes
GET,HEAD api/auth/token/refresh AuthController@refresh Yes
GET,HEAD api/user UserController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/user/{id} UserController@get Yes
POST api/user UserController@post Yes
PUT api/user/{id} UserController@put Yes
PATCH api/user/{id} UserController@patch Yes
DELETE api/user/{id} UserController@delete Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_status UserStatusController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_status/{id} UserStatusController@get Yes
GET,HEAD api/role RoleController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/role/{id} RoleController@get Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_role UserRoleController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_role/{id} UserRoleController@get Yes
POST api/user_role UserRoleController@post Yes
PUT api/user_role/{id} UserRoleController@put Yes
PATCH api/user_role/{id} UserRoleController@patch Yes
DELETE api/user_role/{id} UserRoleController@delete Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_log UserLogsController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/user_log/{uuid} UserLogsController@get Yes
GET,HEAD api/referral ReferralController@getAll Yes
GET,HEAD api/referral/{id} ReferralController@get Yes