
Implementing a kaleidoscope with Pixi.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kaleidoscope in WebGL


This repo is the code for the kaleidoscope made with Pixi.js.

A node.js app.


Clone this repo, change to the project directory and run

npm install


Key components:

  • /src - Contains the source and configuration files for the animation. There are two configuraton files - /src/config/default.js is for dev, and /src/config/prd.js is used for the production build. The main difference in production config file is the image paths being passed in through localStorage, for integration with the Shopify store.

  • /assets - Image assets used for the kaleidoscope. When you click on 'Next Image' in the kaleidoscope, these are the images the animation will cycle through.


To run the local development environment run

npm run dev

This build will use the config values in /src/config/default.js.

Building for deployment

Build Jobs

There are two jobs to perform a production build:

  • build - Performs an unminified production build
  • build-min - Perform a minified production build. Also enables compression to reduce the final bundle size.

Configuring for build

Before running the build, make sure the image asset paths (specified in /src/config/prd.js) are correct. The kaleidoscope is initialised with the first image in this list.

images: [

These paths should be relative to the location of the webpage with the canvas element or absolute paths.

Running the build

To perform a build, use the npm script:
npm run build or npm run build-min

You can also run both builds with one command:
npm run build-all

This will produce two files kal.js and kal.min.js in the /dist directory of the project.


The application looks for a canvas element with the id kaleidoscope in the HTML document. Before deployment, please make sure this element exists.