Usage : python3 <INPUT.txt> [apiKey]
Recommended formatting for the input file :
line 1>GNU Bash 4.3.10
line 2>libarchive 3.3.1
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This Python 3 script gets COTS names and versions from a user-supplied input file, and sends them to the NIST's CPE search API.
The API returns a json response containing the corresponding CPE 2.3 URIs.
Then, the script puts the CPE URIs in a csv output file.
The request rate is about 10/min, and can be increased to 100/min with a NIST API key (obtainable on the NIST's website).
v1.1.1 : Added parallel request limiter.
v1.1 : Added asynchronous API requests, API key support, and Windows support.
v1.0 : Initial version