Welcome to PETsonalities!

Live Link: PETsonalities

PETsonalities, inspired by Product Hunt, is an online application that allows users to create pet pages as well as view and comment other users' created pet pages.

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Table of contents

Key Features

  • Utilizes API routes to render elements, such as, updating and removing a user's comment asynchronously.

Search by PetType or Pet

The search feature was particularly challenging for me to debug, I had difficulty configuring the search feature so it allowed the search of two different tables in our database.




  • JavaScript
  • PUGjs
  • CSS


  • Sequelize(PostgresQL)
  • Express
  • cookie-parser/csurf
  • bcrypt.js

Deployed on

  • Heroku

Overview of application architecture


Front End Overview

Our front end was built out using PUGjs as our structure for HTML and CSS was utilized for styling. Our front end also has some DOM manipulation elements that allow the page to be responsive to user input. these features are comment edit, and delete, like creation and deletion, and in the profile page for viewing the users pets owned, pets liked, and pets commented on.

Back End Overview

Our backend was built using express, and is a collection of routes that serves information to the client and intercats with our databse.

Sequelize is the ORM we utlized to interact with our database, we generated models with associations to one another that allows the sharing of data and the ownership of pets, like, comments. We seeded data to fill out the site for demonstration purposes using sequelize.

PETsonalities Contributors