
google repo manifest repository for intel multiap SW stack

Intel Multi-AP manifest

Deploy all multiap repos in a single tree using google repo tool


Download & install google repo - https://source.android.com/setup/build/downloading

Initialize & sync

Optional - to avoid ssh keys and password reprompt, add the following to ~/.gitconfig:

[url "https://github.com/"]
        insteadOf = git@github.com:

[url "https://github.com/"]
        insteadOf = ssh://git@github.com/

Then run the following commands to fetch the code:

repo init -u https://github.com/prplfoundation/intel_multiap_manifest.git
repo sync
repo forall -p -c 'git checkout $REPO_RREV'

Build Instructions

Currently only the framework can be built in native Linux without special dependencies - see https://github.com/prplfoundation/intel_multiap_framework for build instructions.