
Versatile PHP routing library offering class or Closure-based handling with customizable access control.

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Rammewerk Router

The Rammewerk Router is a PHP routing library. It lets you manage routes in your web app and includes features like class-based routing and custom parameter management. It's compatible with custom dependency injection systems too. It helps in creating dynamic and secure routing systems, making it easy to use for both new and experienced developers.


Install Rammewerk Router via composer:

composer require rammewerk/router

Basic usage with class-based routing

$router = new Rammewerk\Component\Router\Router();

$router->add('/', RouteActions::class);

class RouteActions {

    # Handle empty path as well as other unresolved paths.
    public function index(): void {
        echo 'Hello index';
    # Handle paths that starts with '/blog/hello/'
    public function blog_hello(): void {
        echo 'Welcome to my blog!';

In this class any path called, which is not starting with /blog/hello/ will be resolved to the index method.


In its simple form you can define a route with a closure, like many other routers for PHP:

$router->add('/', function() {
    echo 'Hello index';

$router->add('/blog/hello', function() {
    echo 'Welcome to my blog!';

Handling response from route

You can also return value from route if you'd like to incorporate a response handler or similar.

$router->add('/', function(): string {
    return 'Hello index';

# Value will be whatever the route returns
$value = $router->find();

Understanding the path handling

The Router has a distinctive approach to path handling that sets it apart from traditional PHP routers.

Route Mapping Mechanism

Consider a request made to the URL /product/item/123. The router initiates its search by attempting to match the entire route. If a defined route doesn't exist for /product/item/123, it modifies its search strategy.

Sequential Trimming and Matching

The router starts trimming the path from the end and tries matching again. It first attempts to find a match for /product/item, then /product, and finally / if previous attempts were unsuccessful.

This is why an empty route / is always required to be added before the router starts finding the path.

Parameter Capturing

Each trimmed segment from the path is added to the parameters list, in the sequence it appears in the requested path. So, if the route /product/item is a valid one, then 123 is captured as the first parameter.

Accessing Parameters in Code

To tap into these parameters, define a string parameter within the callback or class method. Here is a PHP example for better understanding:

$router->add('/product/item', function(string $id) {
    echo "Showing product item with ID: $id";

In this scenario, 123 is passed to the $id parameter when the route /product/item/123 is requested.

Handling Unmatched Routes

Remember, if a parameter like $id is required but the request doesn't include it, the router will consider the route unmatched. To circumvent this, simply make the parameter optional by setting a default value, as shown: string $id = ''. This way, even if the parameter is missing in the request, the route remains valid.

Configuring Routes

To add new routes, all you need to do is define the route along with its corresponding function or class. Here's how:

$router->add('/page', function( ...$params ) {

Note that you don't define any parameters in the route setup. Instead, the function or class method you provide decides what parameters it needs. When '/page' is visited, the function or method runs with the parameters it has specified.

Here's an example for adding a class-based route:

$router->add('/page', RouterActions::class )

Handling Different Types of Requests

The router handles all web requests, no matter what type (like 'GET' or 'POST'). If you need it to react differently based on the request type, you can make a wrapper to do that. This helps you to fine-tune your app's actions for different web request types. Keep in mind that you need to know about web request types and how to design responses to use this feature.

Handling dependencies

You can define a register a custom way to handle dependencies by registering your dependency injection container:

$router->registerDependencyLoader( function( string $class_name ) => use($container) {
    return $container->create($class_name);

Once registered it allows adding dependencies to other classes:

$router->add("/product/item/", function( ProductController $product, string $id ) {
    $product->showItem( $id );

Note that the first given string parameter is the first extracted parameter from a given path.

Class-based routing

What makes this router unique, is its ability to define one or multiple classes that handle routes, based on its public methods.

It's offer a quick way to work with routing.

Let's define a simple Route class that handles all routes that starts with /product/:

namespace Module\Product;

class ProductRouteActions {

    # Will handle /product/
    public function index(): void {
        echo 'Default product page when visiting base level of route: /';
    # Will handle /product/item/{id}
    public function item( string $id ): void {
        echo "Implement loading of product item with id $id";
    # Will handle /product/list/all/
    public function list_all(): void {
        echo "Implement list of all products"

To register this class, we can define it so:

$router->add('/product', ProductRouteActions::class);

If we later on wants to add a new product route to handle product update, we could simply add a new method to our class:

class ProductRouteActions {

    # Will handle /product/update/{id}
    public function update( string $id ): void {
        # Handle product update for product of ID = $id

Setting up a Custom Class Loader (Optional)

It's possible to customize how route classes handle their dependencies. This is done by using a class dependency loader which runs when a route class starts initializing.

This loader receives a ReflectionClass object, mirroring the class being loaded. The router already created this ReflectionClass, saving you processing time. This feature is particularly useful in modular systems for inspecting class namespaces and loading the right dependencies.

Here's how to register a custom loader:

$router->registerClassDependencyLoader( function( \ReflectionClass $class) use ($container) {
    return $container->create($class->name);

In this example, $container->create($class->name); creates an instance of the class.

Note: This is an optional feature. If you don't set up a custom class loader, the router will use its default loader ($router->registerDependencyLoader). So, your route classes will still load their dependencies, even without a custom class loader.

Setting Up Route Authentication

For adding authentication checks before a route is accessed, you can define a default method. This method will run for every class-based route before it's loaded.

Here's how to register the default method:


Now, the router will run the 'hasRouteAccess' method before it loads any class-based route (note: this doesn't apply to closure routes). This method should return true or false, indicating whether the route should be accessible.

class SecureBlogRoutes {

    // Access to any route in this class is granted if this returns true.
    public function hasRouteAccess(): bool {
        return ! empty($_SESSION['user_id']);
    // This route will only load if 'hasRouteAccess' returns true.
    public function index(): void {
        echo 'Welcome to my secure blog!';

Once you register the default authentication method, every class-based route must implement it. If a route class doesn't need authentication, have its 'hasRouteAccess' method return true, this will allow all requests to pass.

You can catch RouteAccessDenied exceptions and handle them according to your application's needs. For example, you may want to redirect the user to a login page or show an error message if access is approved.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Please note that this project is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the project is with you.


If you are having any issues, please let us know. Email at support@rammewerk.com or open an issue.