
This is the demo for RedHat Summit Session S103127

Primary LanguageJava


This repo contains the code for the POC that is part of RedHat Session S103127: Using BPM Suite in a reactive architecture with microservices deployed in Docker containers and managed in Amazon ECS (EC2 Container Service)

BPM Suite Dockerfile and setup files

Dockerfile - This file can be used to build a docker imaging of BPM Suite. For it to work, you need to create 3 directories: patch, installers, and support. It currently installs BPM Suite 6.3 and EAP 6.4.8. You will need to download the binaries from the RedHat site and put them into the appropriate folders.

  • Download the BPM Suite and EAP installers and upload them to the installers directory.
    • jboss-bpmsuite-6.3.0.GA-installer.jar
    • jboss-eap-6.4.0-installer.jar
  • Download the patch for EAP 6.4.8 and upload this to the patch directory.
    • jboss-eap-6.4.8-patch.zip
  • Download these files in the support folder:
    • eap.xml
    • eap.xml.variables
    • bpms.xml
    • bpms.xml.variables

After building the image, use the below command to run the docker container docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8001:8001 -d bpmsuite

Kie Server Kafka Extension

You can find David Murphy's kie server kafka extension at the below repo https://gitlab.com/murph83/kie-server-kafka.git

BPM Suite project

This contains the source code for the bpm suite fraud example


This is a java based microservice that generates a random value in the action attribute of either "Tranaction OK" or "Fraudulent Transaction", for example:

{"id": "33bb75db-6e13-48ee-8a54-b3976d3d065b","action": "Run Fraud Model"}

Leverage the Dockerfile to build the container. To run the docker container:

docker run -d runmodelms:latest

Kafka and Zookeeper Dockerfiles

The included Dockerfiles require kafka_2.10-, you can download this off of https://kafka.apache.org/downloads

To run these containers:

docker run -p 9092:9092 --entrypoint /opt/kafka_2.10- -d --name kafka kafka:latest /opt/kafka_2.10- --override zookeeper.connect=<zookeeperIP>:2181 --override advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://<kafkaIP>:9092 --override advertised.host.name=<kafkaIP> --override advertised.port=9092

docker run -p 2181:2181 --name zookeeper -d zookeeper:latest