
Hydra Order Management System

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hydra Order Management System (HOMS)

HOMS is an open source web application for order and business process management.

Application consists of three parts:

  • User interface - managing orders and tasks for registered users (Single Page Application).
  • Administrator interface - managing users and order types.
  • REST API - operations with orders and users.





The prefered way to install HOMS is to use Docker.

In production

  1. Download docker-compose.yml and default .env config file:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/latera/homs/master/docker-compose.yml
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/latera/homs/master/.env.sample -O .env

    📌 All variables are set in .env file. There you can change them, if you want to.

  2. For OS X users: make path to folder with config shared in Docker -> Preferences... -> File Sharing.

  3. Set SECRET_KEY_BASE variable in your .env with uniq id as value. You can generate key with openssl rand -hex 64 command. For example:


    ⚠️ Make sure this key is secret and don't share it with anyone.

  4. Change Minio credentials in .env file. Generate MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and MINIO_SECRET_KEY values with any credentials generator, e.g. pwgen 32 2.

  5. Run docker-compose:

    docker-compose up -d
  6. Navigate to Minio control panel and create a bucket with name equal to MINIO_BUCKET_NAME value from .env file.

  7. Login to HydraOMS with user@example.com/changeme. Now you are able to start Pizza Order demo process.

You can login to Camunda Admin interface with credentials equal to BPM_USER:BPM_PASSWORD values from .env file (user/changeme if these variables aren't set).

In development

  1. Follow the instructions below:

  2. Navigate to Minio control panel and create a bucket with name equal to MINIO_BUCKET_NAME value from .env file.

  3. Export all variables from .env file

    export $(cat .env | xargs)
  4. Change in bpm.yml value of development.base_url from http://camunda:8080/engine-rest/ to http://localhost:8766/engine-rest/

  5. In database.yml change value of development.host from <%= ENV['HOMS_DB_HOST'] %> to localhost

  6. Install Yarn and run:

    yarn install
  7. Compile assets:

    yarn dev
  8. Start HOMS application in another console tab:

    rails s
  9. Create and populate the database (adds an admin user, initial order types, and orders):

    rails db:migrate
    export SEED_DB=true
    rails db:seed
  10. Log in at HydraOMS with user@example.com/changeme.

Work with SSO


For using SSO with HOMS:

  1. Add user roles. HOMS use "admin" and "user" client level roles. Only one role could be assigned to user.
  2. Add user attributes in Keycloak: company, department.
  3. Add mappers in Keycloak without prefix:
Name Mapper type User attribute Token clain name Claim JSON type Add to ID token Add to access token Add to userinfo Multivalued Aggregate attributes values
company User Attribute company company string On On On Off Off
department User Attribute department department string On On On Off Off
  1. Add to HOMS config file homs_configuration.yml:
  enabled: true
  use_regular_login: true
    auth_server_url: "http://keycloak_host:keycloak_port/auth/"
    realm: hydra
    client_id: homs
    redirect_uri: "http://homs_host:homs_port/authenticate_by_keycloak"
    secret: "af9504fc-b030-405e-97b6-813220c07a7e"
    logout_redirect: "http://homs_host:homs_port"
      - homs

Filter business processes by user

Set cadidate_starters.enabled in hbw.yml to true to send user email to camunda when fetching business processes definition. That way you can allow users to run only certain business processes.


The general development process is:

  1. Fork this repo and clone it to your workstation.
  2. Create a feature branch for your change.
  3. Write code and tests.
  4. Push your feature branch to github and open a pull request against master.

Reporting Issues

Issues can be reported by using GitHub Issues.


HOMS uses RSpec for unit/spec tests. You need to set up different testing database. Otherwise your development DB would be erased.

# Run all tests
bundle exec rspec spec

# Run a single test file
bundle exec rspec spec/PATH/TO/FILE_spec.rb

# Run a subset of tests
bundle exec rspec spec/PATH/TO/DIR


  1. Repo with helper classes for BPMN development.

  2. Example of creating a demo business process.


Copyright (c) 2019 Latera LLC under the Apache License.