
Distributed async locks on Python

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Distributed locks on Python, with asyncio support

What is this?

Locks are required when you have a distributed system (like any API) and you want to ensure consistency for your data and prevent race conditions. There are a lot of ways to implement them, and this library aims to provide easy access to some of the better ways.

The library is written primarily for use with asyncio code, but also supports normal synchronous usage.

Currently supported backends:

  • MongoDB (using unique indexes + ttl indexes for consistency and safety)
  • ArangoDB (using unique indexes + ttl indexes for consistency and safety)

Can be extended for other storage systems pretty easily.


Licensing is important. This project itself uses BSD 3-clause license, but e.g. Mongodb Motor library and other such libraries used by it may have their own licenses.

For more information check the LICENSE -file.

Getting started

Add shylock to your project via pip / pipenv / poetry

# MongoDB asyncio
pip install shylock[motor]
# MongoDB
pip install shylock[pymongo]
# ArangoDB asyncio
pip install shylock[aioarangodb]
# ArangoDB
pip install shylock[python-arango]

For most easy usage, you should in your application startup logic configure the default backend for Shylock to use, and then use the AsyncLock class to handle your locking needs.

from motor.motor_asyncio import AsyncIOMotorClient

from shylock import configure, AsyncLock as Lock, ShylockMotorAsyncIOBackend

CONNECTION_STRING = "mongodb://your-connection-string"

client = AsyncIOMotorClient(CONNECTION_STRING)
configure(await ShylockMotorAsyncIOBackend.create(client, "projectdb"))

async def use_lock():
    async with Lock("my-lock"):
        # The lock is now acquired, and will be automatically released

async def another_lock_use():
    lock = Lock("my-lock")
        await lock.acquire()
         await lock.release()

async def time_sensitive_code():
    lock = Lock("my-lock")
        locked = await lock.acquire(block=False)
        if locked:
         if locked:
             await lock.release()

Or the Lock class for code where asyncio support isn't required

from pymongo import MongoClient

from shylock import configure, Lock, ShylockPymongoBackend

CONNECTION_STRING = "mongodb://your-connection-string"

client = MongoClient(CONNECTION_STRING)
configure(ShylockPymongoBackend.create(client, "projectdb"))

def use_lock():
    with Lock("my-lock"):
        # The lock is now acquired, and will be automatically released

def another_lock_use():
    lock = Lock("my-lock")

def time_sensitive_code():
    lock = Lock("my-lock")
        locked = lock.acquire(block=False)
        if locked:
         if locked:

You can also check out the examples, which also show how to use Shylock with ArangoDB.


This project is run on GitHub using the issue tracking and pull requests here. If you want to contribute, feel free to submit issues (incl. feature requests) or PRs here.

To test changes locally python setup.py develop is a good way to run this, and you can python setup.py develop --uninstall afterwards (you might want to also use the --user flag).


Financial support

This project has been made possible thanks to Cocreators and Lietu. You can help us continue our open source work by supporting us on Buy me a coffee.
