
A humble roadmap for Swift and iOS development

iOS Roadmap

A humble roadmap for Swift and iOS development




What is about Source Source Name
How to use the #available attribute in Swift https://www.avanderlee.com/swift/available-deprecated-renamed/ Swiftlee
A deep dive into Swift’s result builders https://www.swiftbysundell.com/articles/deep-dive-into-swift-function-builders/ Swift by Sundell


What is about Source Source Name
MVVM with Combine Tutorial for iOS https://www.raywenderlich.com/4161005-mvvm-with-combine-tutorial-for-ios Ray Wenderlich

Dependency Injection

What is about Source Source Name
Nuts and Bolts of Dependency Injection in Swift https://cocoacasts.com/nuts-and-bolts-of-dependency-injection-in-swift/ Cocoacasts
Dependency Injection With Storyboards https://cocoacasts.com/dependency-injection-with-view-controllers-and-storyboards Cocoacasts


What is about Source Source Name
Working with Swipe Gesture Recognizers in Swift https://cocoacasts.com/swift-fundamentals-working-with-swipe-gesture-recognizers-in-swift Cocoacasts


What is about Source Source Name
How to check for internet connectivity using NWPathMonitor https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/networking/how-to-check-for-internet-connectivity-using-nwpathmonitor Hacking With Swift

Xcode Server

What is about Source Source Name
Xcode Server for iOS: Getting Started https://www.raywenderlich.com/12258400-xcode-server-for-ios-getting-started Ray Wenderlich

Continuous Integration (CI)

What is about Source Source Name
Continuous Integration With GitHub, Fastlane & Jenkins https://www.raywenderlich.com/1774995-continuous-integration-with-github-fastlane-jenkins Ray Wenderlich

Interface Builder

What is about Source Source Name
IBInspectable / IBDesignable https://nshipster.com/ibinspectable-ibdesignable/ NSHipster

White Label App

What is about Source Source Name
How to create a white label iOS app (Part 1) https://www.rockandnull.com/how-to-create-a-white-label-ios-app/ Rock and Null


What is about Source Source Name
Rule Directory https://realm.github.io/SwiftLint/rule-directory.html Realm Documentation