
Backend for the Gaston project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a very simple backend for the Gaston project.


Implemented via AWS API Gateway. Please note that OPTIONS requests are for CORS preflight requests.


GET /records/{record_id}

OPTIONS /records/{record_id}

GET /records

OPTIONS /records

Record reviews

PUT /records/{record_id}/review

OPTIONS /records/{record_id}/review


GET /categories

OPTIONS /categories


List of functions

Identifier Description Configuration variables
banorte_email.handle This function is triggered when an email from Banorte arrives via a SES driven SNS subscription. It parses the email using banes in order to create and insert a record in a DynamoDB table. OWNER_ID
record.get_records This function fetches all records. OWNER_ID, GET_RECORDS_QUERY_LIMIT
record.get_record This function gets a record by id. OWNER_ID
record_review.put_record_review This function creates a review for a given record. OWNER_ID
category.get_categories This function fetches all categories. Currently all the categories are hardcoded. None

Configuration variables

  • OWNER_ID: Sets the owner_id of the record when querying or creating.
  • GET_RECORDS_QUERY_LIMIT: Sets the number of records returned in the response before paginating.


The test suite is composed mainly of integration tests and it depends on DynamoDB local.

In order to run the tests you should:

  1. Start DynamoDB local: java -Djava.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb
  2. Run: pytest.


The repository contains simple scripts to manage the functions.


scripts/lambda-build.sh -f $FUNCTION_PATH


scripts/lambda-create.sh -n $FUNCTION_NAME -r $ROLE_ARN -p build/function.zip -h $NAMESPACE.FUNCTION_HANDLER


scripts/lambda-update.sh -n $FUNCTION_NAME -p build/function.zip