
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Fabric Deployment

Project application for deployment, provisioning and local tasks.

Remote requirements

  • Apache
  • CentOS
  • gcc
  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • MySQL-python
  • MySQL-devel
  • OpenSSH
  • Pip (1.1+)
  • Python (2.6)
  • python-devel
  • sudo
  • virtualenv (1.6+)

Local requirements

  • Fabric (1.2.2+)
  • Git (1.6+)


Install deploytool

$ pip install deploytool

Add a fabfile.py in the root folder of your Django project. An example can be found here:


Prepare by having passwords at hand for these users:

  • Remote provisioning user (ssh, sudo)
  • Remote MySQL root user (for database provisioning)
  • project user (deployment tasks)
  • MySQL project user (deployment tasks)
  • Django admin user (Django admin access)

Provision & deploy the project:

  • Run setup ('fab staging setup')
  • Manage access ('fab staging keys')
  • First deploy ('fab staging deploy')


The deploy can be paused at will at several predefined moments. If you pause the deploy, you get thrown into a (slightly crippled) shell session on the remote server. When you exit from the remote, the deploy will continue where it left off.

$ fab staging deploy:pause={pause_moment}

Where {pause_moment} can be one of:

  • before_deploy_source
  • before_compass_compile
  • before_create_virtualenv
  • before_pip_install
  • after_pip_install
  • before_syncdb
  • before_migrate
  • before_restart
  • after_restart
  • test


Hooks are functions that can be run at predefined moments during the deploy. Hooks can be attached to the deploy-flow of an instance like this:

def before_syncdb(env, *args, **kwargs):
    # do something useful before syncing the database

staging_items = {
    'website_name': 'subdomain.example.com',
    'project_name_prefix': 's-',
    'environment': 'staging',
    'before_syncdb': before_syncdb,

The available hooks are:

  • before_deploy_source
  • before_compass_compile
  • before_create_virtualenv
  • before_pip_install
  • after_pip_install
  • before_syncdb
  • before_migrate
  • before_restart
  • after_restart
  • test

Compass compiling

When you set a compass_version number in your settings. The deploy task will compile your compass project locally, upload the locally generated root static dir to the remote. Remember that your compass config must compile your css to the root static dir of your django project. With this setting you can ignore your generated css files in your repository.


database_engine: 'mysql' (default) or 'postgresql'


# list all available tasks
$ fab list

# show detailed information for task
$ fab -d TASKNAME

# execute task with parameters

# example: deploy current local commit to staging server
$ fab staging deploy

Deployed Folder structure

/var/www/vhosts/                                               <- vhosts_path
    /s-myproject                                               <- vhost_path = {project_name_prefix}{project_name}
        settings.py                                               is copied to project_project_path/settings.py on every deploy
        /htpasswd                                                 optional
        /media                                                 <- media_path
        /12a533d3f2...                                            the previous instance
        /previous_instance -> 12a533d3f2...                    <- previous_instance_path
        /2c27c98fe1...                                            the current instance
        /current_instance -> 2c27c98fe1...                     <- current_instance_path
            /env                                               <- virtualenv_path

            /myproject                                         <- project_path / requirements_path
                manage.py ('changed')
                /myproject                                     <- project_project_path
                    settings.py (changed)
                    wsgi.py (changed)
                /media -> /var/www/vhosts/s-myproject/media       is symlinked to media_path on every deploy

Database command

The database command will generate sql dump of the database.

fab staging database

You can also specify the output file:

fab staging database:db.sql