Django Ice cream Shop

In this assignment you will focus on learning how to use Django's models and generic views.


Learning Objectives

After completing this assignment, you should…

  • Know how to create a django model
  • Know about various django model fields
  • Know how to use a generic views to get data from the database

Performance Objectives

After completing this assignment, you be able to effectively use

  • Be able to create a Django Model
  • Be able to create and use various field types on your django model
  • Be able to use generic views to get model instances (objects) from the database



  • A repo containing your django project and one django app
  • The repo should also contain a sql lite database with your test data


  • pep8 and pep20 compliant code

I'm a Web Developer Mode

Brusters is a local ice cream creamery that specializes in making fresh ice cream daily. They rotate out their flavors and have certain flavors that are available for just a day, a week, or seasonal flavors that you can get for a few months. Using the tools you've learned in class, create an ice cream menu for Brusters. The menu should have the following headings:

  • Featured
  • Daily Flavor
  • Our Weekly Flavors
  • Seasonal Flavors Under each heading display a listing of the flavors that fit that category.


  • Setup a new django project
  • Add an ice_cream app to your project
  • Create an IceCream model in your app
  • Add the following fields to your model:
    • flavor: CharField
    • base: CharField with choices (chocolate, vanilla)
    • available = CharField with choices (daily, weekly, seasonal)
    • featured = BoolFeild
    • date_churned = DateField
  • Create a view that will display the menu
  • Overwrite the get_queryset() method in your view so that it filters the menu by selection - featured, daily, weekly, or seasonal flavors
  • Create a view that will display the details of a single ice cream
  • Create a view that will allow you to add a new ice cream flavor
  • Create a Delete function within the DetailView

Hey Mikey, I think He Likes It Mode

  • The featured flavors also display as daily or weekly flavors. Update the get_queryset method so that daily, weekly and seasonal flavors don't include any flavors that are featured. This will make sure featured flavors only show under the featured list.
  • Add an image url to your database model


  • Create a view that will allow you to edit the details of an ice cream
  • Create a view that will allow you to delete and ice cream