WordPress Environment

Starting a new WordPress project? Hit the ground running and get your new WordPress repository set up ASAP!


  • WordPress as a Git submodule in /wp/
  • Custom content directory in /content/ (cleaner, and also because the /wp/ submodule will be updated clearing any changes made in wp/wp-content)
  • All config files in the root
    • local-config.php
    • staging-config.php
    • wp-config.php


Local PHP and MYSQL server (ex. MAMP)


Clone including submodule

git clone --recursive https://github.com/geekster909/asap-wp.git <project-name>

IF you cloned without --recursive, you must manually initialize the submodule

git clone https://github.com/geekster909/asap-wp.git <project-name>
git submodule update --init

Remove remote origin repository

git remote rm origin

Update remote origin to your new repository

git remote add origin <url>


Update database configurations based on environment

  • local - local-config.php
  • staging - staging-config.php
  • production - wp-config.php

Updating WordPress

Check current version of submodule (WordPress)

git submodule status

Change into submodule directory

cd wp

Fetch tags (versions of WP)

git fetch --tags

Show tags (versions of WP)

git tag

Checkout tag to update working version

git checkout <tag>

Commit update

cd ..
git commit -m "WordPress Update <tag>"


WordPress Skeleton - Mark Jaquith

