Octo Search

This application integrates with the GitHub API. Through it, the user can consult public GitHub repositories.


  • Ruby: 2.7.1
  • Rails:
  • PostgreSQL: 11.4

Project setup:

  1. Install the dependencies above
  2. Clone this project: $ git clone git@github.com:ramonlg/octo_search.git
  3. Go into the project folder: $ cd octo_search
  4. Setup database: $ rails db:create && rails db:migrate && rails db:seed or rails db:setup

Running the Project:

  • First create a new User on rails console:
$ rails console
User.create(username: 'my_username' , password: 'my_password' , password_confirmation: 'my_password')
  • You can add a new user on the seeds.rb file and run $ rails db:seed on rails console

  • After creating the new User we can start the rails server and use the application.

Sending requests:


Creating a new Session:
POST /api/v1/session
  • To authenticate the user we need to inform the username and password
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"username":"my_username", "password":"my_password"}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/session
  • If the user is successfully authenticated we will have a return similar to this:
  "auth_token": "2uw8uu8dus8dus8dufhh.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJleHAiOjE1OTc3MDM2NTZ9.aiIDNjArrozOvosoaojdjoaejjojdowodjdmznmnw12"
  • If the user cannot be authenticated:
  "error": {
    "user_authentication": "Invalid username or password"


Searching for GitHub repositories:
GET /api/v1/github/repositories
  • To perform a search, it is necessary to inform the token generated in the user authentication process.

  • We can filter the repositories with the following attributes:

    • q: Some keyword that must be present on the repository
    • username: Name of the author / owner of the repository
    • language: Repository programming language. (If the language is not informed, Ruby will be used as the default)
    • sort: Attribute by which the result will be ordered. The value informed for this attribute could be:
      • stars: sort by number of stars;
      • forks: sort by number of forks;
      • updated: sort by update date;
      • If no value is given, stars will be used by default
    • order: By which order the resulto will be sorted could be: asc or desc (default: desc)
    • page: Which results list page will be returned
    • per_page: Number of items per page (default: 10)
  • Request example:

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:3000/api/v1/github/repositories' \
--header 'Authorization: 2uw8uu8dus8dus8dufhh.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyLCJleHAiOjE1OTc3MDM2NTZ9.aiIDNjArrozOvosoaojdjoaejjojdowodjdmznmnw12' \
--data-raw '{ "q":"awesome", "username":"defunkt", "language":"rails", "sort":"forks", "order":"asc", "page":"1", "per_page":"20" }'
  • Response example:
  "repositories": [
      "name": "lacampfire",
      "description": "Logical Awesome Campfire userscript.",
      "stars": 5,
      "forks": 5,
      "author": "defunkt"
      "name": "my-awesome-framework",
      "description": "A simple demonstration of how to effectively use Git submodules.",
      "stars": 6,
      "forks": 6,
      "author": "defunkt"
      "name": "textmate.el",
      "description": "Basic emulation of awesome TextMate features for Emacs.",
      "stars": 359,
      "forks": 68,
      "author": "defunkt"



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