a collection of tools and interesting stuff that I'm collecting
April 2021
May 2021
Summer 2022
- Aspect, build React components
- Lesser-Known And Underused CSS Features In 2022
- CSS only shaders
- React viewport trigger react-intersection-observer
- Type safe internationalisation for Next.js
- Gradient display
- Tweakpane 3.1: Compact UI Element for Tweaking Parameters and Viewing Value Changes
- Fireworks!
- 3D css effects
- 90's tv
- automate web actions with web bots
- Drive and listen
- walk on cities
- Open a window somewhere in the world
- Open source alternatives
- several tools for problem solving
- Answer questions using AI
- Scale of things in the universe
- Crowdsourced emotional spoilers for movies, tv, books and more.
- Internet Stats
- js1024 winners
- Nativefier
Summer 2023
- Deep Cloning Objects in JavaScript
- Astro 2.0 a popular web framework for building performant
- Shoelace, A forward-thinking library of web components.
- Getting started with the SvelteKit
- Eleventy, a flexible and production-ready site generator known for its zero-client-JavaScript footprint, speedy sites, speedy builds, and full control over the output
- JSON Crack, a JSON visualizer