
Multi-model forms plugin for rails

Primary LanguageRuby

= Multimodel-Forms

This plugin allows multiple models to have a place in one form. For example, if an article model has_many links. The links can be edited, created, deleted and even sorted (acts_as_list) from the article edit/new form. Included ajax helpers so links can be added and deleted client side and db is only touched when form is submitted.

This is largely derived from Ryan Bates' tutorial over at: http://railscasts.com/episodes/75

Acquire via git at: git clone git@github.com:sudothinker/multimodel-forms.git
Sample project available in multimodel-forms/sample_project - This can be removed if not needed.

== Example


  class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many_with_attributes :links


  class Link < ActiveRecord::Base
    belongs_to :article

  Can now add a view partial to render the article form and edit the associated links.


  <%= f.text_field :title %>

  <div id="links">
    <%= render :partial => 'links/link', :collection => @article.links %>

  <%= add_link "Add link", :link %>


  <p class="link">
  <% fields_for_associated :article, link do |l_form| %>
    <%= l_form.text_field :url, :index => nil %>
    <%= delete_link_for(link, "Delete", l_form) %>
  <% end %>

Written by Michael Murray <mdmurray@gmail.com>