
Vim commands for copy various bits of the path for the current file

Primary LanguageVim Script


A tiny bit of Vimscript to add commands for copying the relative path, absolute path, name and directory of the current file.


Grab your favourite Vim-plugin manager and add this github URL. For example, with the excellent vim-plug you would add:

Plug 'AdamWhittingham/vim-copy-filename'


:CopyRelativePath copies the relative path of the file (from the directory Vim was opened in to the file) :CopyRelativePathAndLine as above but also appends the line number :CopyAbsolutePath copies the absolute path of the file (the location of the file on the system, relative to the system root) :CopyAbsolutePathAndLine as above but also appends the line number :CopyFileName copies the name of the file :CopyDirectoryPath copies the directory containing the file (same as absolute path without the file name)


Bind your key shortcut to one of the functions dscribed above:

nmap <leader>cp :CopyRelativePath<CR>
nmap <leader>cl :CopyRelativePathAndLine<CR>
nmap <leader>cP :CopyAbsolutePath<CR>
nmap <leader>cf :CopyFileName<CR>
nmap <leader>cd :CopyDirectoryPath<CR>

Each of the commands calls a function of the same name, so they can also be reused in scripts/functions. For example, you can call CopyRelativePath() to access the underlying function for copying the relative path.

To execute your own script whenever the file path is copied, define the CopyFilepathPost function:

function! CopyFilepathPost(content)
  echo "Filepath was copied: "
  echo a:content