
Network communication library based on greenlets, with zeromq and redis support

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is mostly networking library. It implements main loop based on greenlets. Mostly suitable for servers of some kind.

API's implemented so far:

  • Redis
  • Zeromq
  • Mongo

Primitives implemented so far:

  • Lock (actually, mutex, locked using with statement)
  • Condition (condition variable, use wait() and notify())
  • Future (either give it function to constructor or use set() for setting and get() for waiting for the value)


from zorro import Hub

hub = Hub()
def main():
    # setup other coroutines here

Basic zmq replier example. Each reply will get it's own microthread:

from zorro import Hub, zmq

def replier(preference,*other_multipart_args):
    if preference == b'binary':
        return b'hello'
    elif preference == b'unicode':
        return 'hello' # same as above, encoded in 'utf-8'
    elif preference == b'tuple':
        return 'hello', 'world' # two parts will be sent
        # exeption will be logged, but reply is not sent
        # so you must timeout on the other side
        # other requests will be ok (we use ZMQ_XREP actually)
        raise ValueError(preference)

hub = Hub()
def main():
    sock = zmq.rep_socket(replier)

Some advanced redis usage example:

from zorro import Hub, redis, Future
from functools import partial

hub = Hub()
redis.plug(hub, host='localhost', db=13)

def getkey(index):
    # Semi-parallel requests will be pipelined so it's quite fast
    r = redis.redis()
    a = r.execute('INCR', 'test:{0}'.format(index-1), 1)
    r.execute('DECR', 'test:{0}'.format(index+1), a)
    return int(r.execute('GET', 'test:{0}'.format(index)))

def main():
    futures = [Future(partial(getkey, i)) for i in range(100)]
    print("TOTAL", sum(f.get() for f in futures))