Mac Setup

A foreword

I am a mac app enthusiast who really enjoys trying new apps to see what best fits into my workflow. This originally started as, and still remains a reference for me when I setup a new computer, but I hope this helps others find what they need without having to try everything. For the apps listed below, I was not compensated in any way. These are just the apps I use on a daily basis or use to use in the past. I try to prefer free solutions but occassionally I end up coming across a nice deal for a paid app which I can purchase at a price that is affordable. I try to avoid subscriptions unless I absolutely have to. I think the most expensive app I have purchased is Alfred.

Anyone who wants can buy me a 📘️ or 🍺️ or app on I plan on creating a complete website to showcase these in the near future and try out new apps that I hear about.

💰️ Paid

✅️ Freemium / Free Prepetual Trial / Free

⭐️ Must Have

🔄 Subscription




Compression & Encryption

File Management


Maintenance & Cleanup

Desktop & Menubar Enhancement

Screenshots & Screen Recording

Audio & Video

Clipboard & Text Manipulation






Command Line

XCode Command Line Tools

  • XCode Command Line Tools: Essential tools xcode-select --install



  • List user installed packages: brew leaves
  • List user installed packages and their dependencies: brew leaves | xargs brew deps --installed --for-each | sed "s/^.*:/$(tput setaf 4)&$(tput sgr0)/"\
  • List user installed cask packages and their dependencies: brew cask leaves | xargs brew deps --installed --for-each | sed "s/^.*:/$(tput setaf 4)&$(tput sgr0)/"\n


  • ffmpeg: Manipulate audio and video brew install ffmpeg
  • git: Git version control brew install git
  • gradle: Gradle dependency management brew install gradle
  • httpie: CLI rest client brew install httpie
  • jenv: Manage java installations brew install jenv
  • rename: Perl powered renamer brew install rename
  • the_silver_searcher: Fast file search brew install the silver searcher
  • trash: Move files to trash brew install trash
  • tree: List directory trees brew install tree
  • vim: Vim text editor brew install vim
  • watch: Periodically execute command brew install watch
  • wget: Internet file retriever brew install wget
  • yajl: CLI json manipulation brew install yajl
  • youtube-dl: Internet video downloader brew install youtube-dl
  • python: Python language brew install python@<version>
  • yq: yaml document processor brew install yq
  • kubernetes-cli: Manage Kubernetes clusters brew install kubernetes-cli
  • helm: Helm deployments manager brew install helm


  • AdoptOpenJDK Tap: Repository for openjdk casks brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk


  • adoptopenjdk11: OpenJDK 11brew cask install adoptopenjdk11
  • adoptopenjdk8 OpenJDK 8brew cask install adoptopenjdk8

Oh My Zsh



  • Youtube Downloader
    • alias ytdl='youtube-dl '
  • Brew Aliases
    • alias brewup='brew update; brew upgrade; brew cleanup -s; brew doctor'
  • Python Aliases
    • alias activate='source venv/bin/activate'
    • alias venv='python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && pip install --upgrade pip'
  • Gradle Alias
    • alias gw='./gradlew'
  • Misc Aliases
    • alias watch='watch '
    • alias usage='du -h -d1'
    • alias runp="lsof -i "

Kubernetes Krew


  • ns: Configure namespace for cluster kubectl krew install ns
  • tail: Tail logs in cluster kubectl krew install tail




Custom Configs


  • Enable Smooth Pinch Zooming: apz.allow_zooming=true


  • Use Minimal theme: Appearance > General > Theme > Minimal
  • Open new tabs in current directory: Profiles > General > Working Directory > Reuse previous session's directory
  • Use vertical cursor bar: Profiles > Text > Cursor > Vertical bar
  • Enable blinking cursor: Profiles > Text > Cursor > Blinking cursor
  • Use MesloLGS NF font: Profiles > Text > Font > MesloLGS NF
  • Enable window transparency: Profiles > Window > Window Transparency > 25%
  • Enable unlimited scrollback: Profiles > Terminal > Scrollback Buffer > Unlimited scrollback
  • Turn off sound bell notification: Profiles > Terminal > Notifications > Silence bell
  • User Natural Text Editing key bindings: Profiles > Keys > Key Mappings > Presets > Natural Text Editing


Set Forklift as default file viewer

defaults write -g NSFileViewer -string com.binarynights.ForkLift-3;
defaults write LSHandlers -array-add '{LSHandlerContentType="public.folder";LSHandlerRoleAll="com.binarynights.ForkLift-3";}'

Restart computer

Restore Finder as default file viewer

defaults delete -g NSFileViewer`
defaults write LSHandlers -array-add '{LSHandlerContentType="public.folder";LSHandlerRoleAll="";}'

Restart computer

VS Code Extensions

  • Auto Close Tag by Jun Han: Automatically add html/xml closing tags
  • Auto Rename Tag by Jun Han: Automatically rename paired html/xml tags
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer by CoenraadS: Color code matching brackets
  • indent-rainbow by oderwat: Add colors to different indentations
  • Text Power Tools by Daniel Tar: Powerfull text manipulation
  • Git Lens--Git supercharged by Eric Anidui: Add advanced Git capabilities
  • ESLint by Dirk Baeumer: ESLint JavaScript integration
  • JavaScript (ES6) code snippets by charalampos karypidis: Code snippets for JavaScript in ES6 syntax
  • Live Server by Ritwick Dey: Launch local development server with live reload
  • Paste JSON as Code by quicktype: Copy JSON and generate classes/types in various languages
  • Prettier - Code formatter by Prettier: Code formatter
  • vscode-icons by VSCode Icons Team: Icons for VS Code
  • Todo+: Manage todo text based todo lists

IntelliJ Idea Plugins

Global Node Packages

  • typescript: Add support for Typescript npm i -g typescript
  • ts-node-dev: Add support for hot reloading typescript npm i -g ts-node-dev