
Primary LanguageJavaScript

A MovieDB Node App

Author: Vijay Gopal email: deeps918@gmail.com

Using the Movie DB API I made a web app using Node.js and Vue.js Framework. The app after it is launched can be viewed on http://localhost:8080/.

Users can:

  • View the most popular movies and search for movies using the Movie DB API.
  • By clicking on a movie card it opens a detailed view of the movie where the cast, director, synopsis and link to the movie trailer is given.

Build Setup

# Check to see if you have Node and npm installed, run the commands below and you should see an output. 
# If not install Node and npm for your operating system then continue.
node -v
npm -v
#Go into the MovieApp folder
cd MovieApp
# install dependencies
sudo npm install
# start the server at localhost:8080
npm run start

Overview and Featues

  • [VueJS] - Library for building interactive web interfaces
  • [Twitter Bootstrap] - UI boilerplate for modern web apps
  • [node.js] - evented I/O for the backend

In the index.html file the app vue component is imported like this <div id="app"></div> which sets up the App.vue file which acts as a base page. The vue-router is used to handle the routing, so in App.vue you'll see <router-view></router-view> handles all the calls made in the src/router/index.js.

Users can search for movies and look up the detailed movie information.