
A short introduction to Shiny with some tips and tricks for making effective apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shiny for EcoDataScience

If you want to follow along (or play with the apps contained in this repository), you'll need to have the following packages installed:

# General
library(tidyverse) # data wrangling

# Shiny applications
library(shiny) # interactive applications
library(shinyjs) # javascript functionality for shiny
library(shinydashboard) # dashboard layouts
library(shinyWidgets) # additional widgets

# Maps and plotting
library(leaflet) # interactive maps 
library(plotly) # interactive charts
library(sf) # spatial features
library(rnaturalearth) # maps
library(rnaturalearthdata) # map data

This goal of this talk is to provide a short introduction to Shiny for R, and then to highlight some supplemental packages that I have found to helpful for building effective interactive applications.

This presentation will be roughly divided into four parts:

  1. The Basics: Brief review of essential Shiny functions and some tips to make your reactive programming more efficient;

  2. Appearance & Organization (shinydashboard + more): Keeping things organized;

  3. (gg)plotly: Making your (already awesome) ggplot figures more awesome;

  4. leaflet: Interactive maps!

Within each section, I'll start with a few slides of explanation, and then turn to a small Shiny app to demonstrate.