Welcome Contributors,
This repositry has been created as a medium for developers to participate in the Hactoberfest 2021 event. You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31. Just be sure to sign up on the official Hacktoberfest website for your pull requests to count.
This event is for novice as well as expert developers who want to start their journey or make contributions to Open Source Projects and also participate in the event.
This repo is created to help all such people by making them aware of open source and how they can work in a team by making small contributions. We have included a list of basic programs here which are helpful for graduate students to make contributions. To make it more exhaustive list, we will keep adding new programs in the list which is surely going to be very helpful for all such beginners.
You are invited to make changes in this repository, we will accept your pull request if you fulfill all the basic criterias of program writing as listed below:
Refer to Contibutions-Guide for rules to contribute.
A valid pull request is one that is accepted by the maintainer of the project you submit it to.
A pull request is considered approved once it has an overall approving review from maintainers, or has been merged by maintainers, or has been given the 'hacktoberfest-accepted' label.
The pull request must contain commits you made yourself.
You can use the problem list present in the repository to select the problem statement to make your contributions.
Any indivisual ideas are also welcome for contributions.
Refer Git-Cheatsheet in order to learn how to create new branch, fix any error etc.
Make sure to write your code in the respective folders so it can be easily reviewed.
FileName should be in following format - quesNo_firstName_lastName.extension, where quesNo denotes the question no in the problem list, firstName_lastName is is the full name of the contributor and finally extension which is dependent on programming language you are going to follow for that particular program. Make sure to add the file in the respective folder of that particular language.
Example - For the first program in the list I will make file name - 1_deepak_uniyal.c or 1_deepak_uniyal.cpp or 1_deepak_uniyal.py etc.
For programs not related to problem list the file name should be as fileName_firstName_lastName.extension, where fileName is the file name you can give and firstName_lastName is your full name.
If a maintainer reports your pull request as spam, it will not be counted toward your participation in Hacktoberfest.
If a maintainer reports behavior that’s not in line with the project’s code of conduct, you will be ineligible to participate.
A pull request is considered approved once it has an overall approving review from maintainers, or has been merged by maintainers, or has been given the 'hacktoberfest-accepted' label.
Please take care of the file name, function name and variables for higher chances of getting your request accepted.
Indent the code properly with necessary comments in the file.
If the folder for that language is not present make sure to make the folder first then write your code in that folder.
If you have multiple files related to each other you can make a seperate folder inside the language folder and add the files in that separate folder.
The problem list is updated continuously so make sure to check the README and problem list before making a PR.
The problem list is just for your reference, any idea apart from the list is also welcomed but make sure the code written is unique in its own way as it will help you to make a diverse and vast portfolio for yourself.
Join Telegram Group for any discussion
YouTube Channel For Resources
Discord For more efficient Discussion
Be in touch with via Linkedin
For more query you can visit the Official Hactoberfest 2021 FAQs here
To learn about making your First Open Source contribution watch this video.
Made by Deepak Uniyal M.Tech. CSE IIT Roorkee
Deepak Uniyal |