This library is a port of this J2ME JSON library so that it can be used in Codename One. Only minor changes have been made in order to improve performance.
Codename One already includes a JSON parser, so why package up another library? One reason is for pure variety. The interface of this library is different than the built-in CN1 parser and this might be preferrable to some. Another reason is that it is easy to use this library outside of Codename One. If I'm writing code that I want to reuse in CN1 and other Java environments, I might choose to use this library for portability.
Apache License 2.0
- Codename One 1.0 or higher
- Download the CN1JSON.cn1lib file and copy it into your Codename One Application's "lib" directory.
- Right click on your application's icon in the Netbeans project explorer, and select "Refresh Libs"
JSONObject index = new JSONObject(myJSONString);
JSONArray dests = index.getJSONArray("destinations");
Map<String,SoundFile> audioFileIndex = new HashMap<String,SoundFile>();
for ( int i=0; i<dests.length(); i++){
JSONObject dest = dests.getJSONObject(i);
PointOfInterest poi = new PointOfInterest();
SoundFile sf = new SoundFile();
audioFileIndex.put(dest.getString("audio_file"), sf);
You can find other usage examples on the J2ME-JSON site.
- Library ported packaged by Steve Hannah
- Original JTar Library by Greyson