:snowflake::file_cabinet: Allow the use of a ramsey/uuid UUID as Doctrine field type.
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- 9
uuid_binary_ordered_time not working with IN expression
#164 opened by ger86 - 0
OneToMany with fetch=EAGER fails
#271 opened by BenoitDuffez - 5
PostgreSQL UUID type returns a binary stream; DB to PHP conversion is always null
#225 opened by llupa - 0
Doctrine/dbal v4 is out!
#246 opened by kochen - 3
- 0
Converting my entities ids to uuids
#189 opened by Raph33000 - 1
Object of class Ramsey\Uuid\Lazy\LazyUuidFromString could not be converted to int
#236 opened by nicodemuz - 4
Supportfor typed property.
#177 opened by Legion112 - 6
- 2
doctrine.dbal.default_connection is set to 'default' and cannot be changed anymore
#169 opened by yourithielen - 2
Support other types of `EntityManagerInterface` too
#179 opened by NoelLH - 5
No result found using uuid_binary_ordered_time
#148 opened by bogdaniel - 7
- 1
Tag a new release
#190 opened by ToshY - 1
Node of UUID is 0
#186 opened by zedar187 - 9
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Fetching metadata from an entity using the custom strategy is throwing an error.
#183 opened by christianostrem - 1
Tag new release
#176 opened by ruudk - 2
There is a bug in MariaDB 10.5.9, extremly slowing queris with UUID in binary form
#162 opened by forgie1 - 7
On doctrine:schema:update every time alter table
#64 opened by anydasa - 9
Wrong query via relations
#67 opened by zys-gd - 2
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Incompatibility with ramsey/uuid 4.1
#152 opened by janlanger - 3
Doctrine array type and ramsey/uuid 4.1
#154 opened by HugoMestreCL - 1
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Use VARBINARY(16) instead of BINARY
#157 opened by ezerw - 2
data type for validation with Doctrine
#158 opened by desnudopenguino - 1
doctrine.yaml configuration issue
#160 opened by vmdumitrache - 3
Type missmatch in generator with static PHP Mapping (LazyUuidFromString to property Uuid)
#161 opened by xuedi - 2
Imcompatible with the latest Doctrine 2.10
#168 opened by hantsy - 1
Doctrine 3 compatibility
#167 opened by siemendev - 0
DBAL only release
#63 opened by gregor-tb - 5
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Not working with doctrine/orm 2.8
#156 opened by garak - 2
Uuid on api-platform as Primary Key
#149 opened by dadangnh - 2
Extend GuidType instead of generic Type?
#91 opened by garak - 9
- 1
How to find by Uuid ?
#90 opened by GaylordP - 1
Use ramsey/uuid 4.x-dev
#79 opened by Rixafy - 6
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Cannot access protected property $codec
#95 opened by orange181 - 4
Binary not working with Doctrine Tree extension
#92 opened by pdugas - 3
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unable to change factory
#86 opened by darkorsa - 6