Podcast Player

  • Currently only using hardcoded show data(shown below):
  • Getting metadata for these specific podcasts and their episodes.
  • Using Material UI v5 for my layout and components
  • Using a fork of fast-xml-parser called 'arraybuffer-xml-parser to parse XML encoded data which podcast RSS feeds use.
  • Episodes play using the built in audio element

Live Demo


Future features and Development Plans

  • Integrate with listennotes.com
    • ability to search podcasts
    • add to favorite show list
    • store listening progress per episode
  • Build a persistent audio player. Continue to display the audio element and play sound even when the user navigates away from the episode, like SoundCloud
  • Include tests
const PODCASTS = [
    id: "the-daily",
    title: "The Daily",
    feed: "https://feeds.simplecast.com/54nAGcIl",
    id: "crime-junkie",
    title: "Crime Junkie",
    feed: "https://feeds.simplecast.com/qm_9xx0g",
    id: "apology-line",
    title: "The Apology Line",
    feed: "https://rss.art19.com/apology-line",
    id: "working-it-out",
    title: "Mike Birbiglia's Working It Out",
    feed: "https://workingitout.libsyn.com/rss",