
Github Webhook Event Listener using Spring Boot 2 + Kotlin + MongoDB + RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple webhook listener (micro-service) developed using Spring Boot 2 + Kotlin + MongoDb + RabbitMQ.

This application receives the github webhook event and dumps it into the mongodb and then publishes that event into the message queue (rabbitmq).

RabbitMQ & MongoDB

If you don't have rabbitmq & mongodb installed in your local, you can use the docker to bring it up.

    $ docker-compose -d up


  1. Build and start the application:

     $ ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  2. Start the ngrok

     $ ngrok http 9090

Note: ngrok is used to forward the internet traffic to the localhost. For more information, refer: https://ngrok.com/

  1. Register the webhook with github using the ngrox url (ex: http://ab090ce1.ngrok.io)

  2. Test the github webhook by pushing some commits into the repository.

  3. Check the mongodb events collection for the webhook events.

     $ mongo
     $ db.event.find()