✍🏽 # chill_blogsite Blogging APP👨‍💻

This is the blog Website made using Nodejs.

Sample Video of WEBISTE 📽️:


Technologies Used 👨🏽‍💻:

  1. Nodejs & Express
  2. Mongodb Atlas(Database)
  3. HTML , CSS , JavaScript
  4. EJS , Bootstrap

Features 📋

🔥 User Can add a post 🔥 User can read all users posts

Installation 📦

npm install


  • Clone this repo to your local machine.

Run server locally

Go to localhost:3000

Contributing 💡

Step 1

  • Option 1

    • 🍴 Fork this repo!
  • Option 2

    • 👯 Clone this repo to your local machine.

Step 2

  • Build your code 🔨🔨🔨

Step 3

  • 🔃 Create a new pull request.