
Upload videos, images or album to Instagram site

Primary LanguageC#


With this app you can upload videos, images or album to Instagram site.


This is an gui example for InstagramApiSharp.

Download FFmpegFa and add it to your project.

Important note:

InstaPost app is just an old example that uses InstagramApiSharp v1.1.5.2 which is very old version!!! Some of codes may not working well or even deprecated in new InstagramApiSharp versions. I suggest you to update library to the latest nuget version or use latest release package and update InstaPost codes that is not working or deprecated.


You can find releases in Release Page


InstaPost InstaPost InstaPost InstaPost InstaPost


.NET framework v4.6.1 or newer.

Windows 7, 8/8.1, Windows 10.

Open source libraries

MahApps.Metro [Theme]

MaterialDesignThemes [Theme]

Dragablz [Tab control]

Json.NET [Serialize/deserialize json]

FFmpegFa [Extract image from video]

InstagramApiSharp [Instagram library]


Ramtin Jokar

Email: Ramtinak@live.com

Telegram: https://t.me/Ramtinak

Instagram: https://instagram.com/Rmt4006

Iranian developers - (c) 2018.